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Novel Technology for Highly Ordered Arrays of ‘Graphene Quantum Dot’
Novel Technology for Highly Ordered Arrays of 'Graphene Quantum Dot' Their findings have been published in the January 2019 edition of Nature Communications. A new study, affiliated with UNIST has introduced a novel technology, capable of fabricating highly ordered arrays of graphene quantum dot (GQD). The new technology is expected to pave the way for many other types of devices and physical phenomena to be studied. This breakthrough has been led by Professor Hyeon Suk Shin in the School of Natural Science at UNIST. In their study, the research team demonstrated a novel way of synthesizing GQDs, embedded inside the hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) matrix. Thus, they demonstrated simultaneous use of in-plane and van der Waals heterostructures to build vertical single electron tunnelling transistors. Their findings have been published in the online edition of Nature Communications on January 16, 2018. Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have received much research attention, due to their un… 작성자 : CMCM 2019.01.24
[IBS People] 상상 이상의 탄소를 연구하는 과학자
​상상 이상의 탄소를 연구하는 과학자 - 펑딩 IBS 다차원 탄소재료 연구단 그룹리더 - "Welcome to the Feng Ding Kingdom :-)" 울산 UNIST에 위치한 기초과학연구원(IBS) 다차원 탄소재료 연구단의 한 연구실. 탄소 구조물을 이리저리 만지작거리던 펑딩 그룹리더(UNIST 교수)가 이내 장난스러운 표정으로 왕관 모양을 만들어냈다. 소년 같은 미소를 자랑하는 펑딩 교수는 탄소 이론 및 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 분야 석학이다. 세계 곳곳에서 출간된 탄소를 소재로 한 연구논문엔 그의 이름을 심상치 않게 발견할 수 있다. 탄소와 함께한 지 20여 년. 그가 '과학자들의 유명인사'로 자리매김한 이유는 뭘까. 한국에 정착한 모태 기초과학자 "과학자라는 꿈을 꾸게 만든 특별한 계기조차 없었던 것 같아요. 아마 기초과학자가 되기 위해 태어난 것은 아닐까요? 모태 과학자라고나 할까." [피플 인터뷰 영상보기] 펑딩 IBS 다차원 탄소재료 연구단 그룹리더 어릴 때부터 수려한 외모를 자랑하며 떡잎부터 다른 자태를 뽐낸 사람을 '모태 미녀'라고 한다. 연예계에 모태 미녀가 있다면 IBS에는 모태 과학자가 있다. 펑딩 교수는 학창시절부터 줄곧 과학교과목 성적이 좋았다고 한다. 교과서 속 과학지식이 자연에서 벌어지는 모든 사건을 설명한다는 점이 그의 흥미를 끌었다. 과학이론을 공부하고 연구하게 된 것은 그에겐 그저 자연스러운 일이었다. IBS 다차원 탄소재료 연구단에 합류하기 전, 펑딩 교수는 홍콩폴리텍대의 영년직 교수로 일했다. 명성 높은 학교, 좋은 학생들과 함께하는 연구는 꽤 완벽한 삶처럼 느껴졌다. 하지만 한 가지 열망이 있었다. 기초과학 연구에만 온전히 몰입하고 싶다는 열망이었다. 로드니 루오프 IBS 다차원 탄소재료 연구단장의 전화 한통에 그의 한국행은 부지불식간에 결정됐다. 두 사람은 학회에서 안면을 익힌 적은 있었으나, 개인적인 친분이나 교류는 없었다. "기초과… 작성자 : CMCM 2018.12.28
IBS Announced "IBS Declarations for Another Great Leap Forward"
IBS Announced "IBS Declarations for Another Great Leap Forward"    ▲ The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members, IBS directors, and the IBS president had in-depth discussion on the roles, responsibilities, and future directions for IBS to move forward. The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) held 'IBS Forum for Another Leap Forward' on October 12, 2018. The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members, IBS directors, and the IBS president had in-depth discussion on the roles, responsibilities, and future directions for IBS to move forward.​ The declarations pronounce IBS commitments and hopes for IBS to make another great leap forward to become a global research institution.​ IBS commitments include its efforts i) to serve as a catalyst for research collaboration at home and abroad; ii) to ensure scientific excellence as the value that we cannot compromise on; iii) to foster and bring in young talents; iv) and to communicate with the civil society to earn their s… 작성자 : CMCM 2018.10.23
Producing Defectless Metal Crystals of Unprecedented Size
Producing Defectless Metal Crystal of Unprecedented Size - IBS scientists report in Science a new method to obtain large single crystals up to 32 ㎠, made of copper, nickel, cobalt, platinum, or palladium ​- A research group at the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), have published in Science about a new method to convert inexpensive polycrystalline metal foils to single crystals with superior properties. It is expected that these materials will find many uses in science and technology.The structure of most metal materials can be thought of as a patchwork of different tiny crystals, bearing some defects on the borders between each patch. These defects, known as grain boundaries (GBs), worsen the electrical and sometimes mechanical properties of the metal. Single crystal metals, instead, have no GBs and show higher electrical conductivity and other enhanced qualities that can play a major role in multiple fields, such as electro… 작성자 : CMCM 2018.10.22
Rodney Ruoff, Listed as a Citation Laureate with the Track Record Deemed to be of 'Nobel Stature'.
Rodney Ruoff, Director of the IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, Listed as a Citation Laureate with the Track Record Deemed to be of 'Nobel Stature'. Rodney Ruoff, Director of the IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials is listed as one of 17 top researchers of Citation Laureates 2018 by Clarivate Analytics. The Citation Laureates are deemed to have research track records of 'Nobel stature' as manifested by remarkably high citation tallies recorded in the Web of Science citation index. Director Ruoff is the only researcher on the list being affiliated with a Korean research institution. For further information, please go to ( The global press release of Clarivate Analytics is as follows:   Clarivate Analytics Reveals Annual Forecast of Future Nobel Prize Recipients Names 17 New Citation Laureates from USA, EU, and Asia PHILADELPHIA, September 20th, 2018: Clarivate Analytics, … 작성자 : CMCM 2018.10.11
Carbon Gives You Ten Questions If You Find One Answer
Carbon gives you ten questions if you find one answer [UNIST MAGAZINE] Prof. Feng Ding, an expert on carbon nanomaterials with computer simulation research Prof. Feng Ding (School of Materials Science Engineering) has been living in Korea for two years, but his calm attitude during the interview made him look like he has been living here for a long time. He might be indifferent to his environmental changes or he may not have time to think about the things around him. Prof. Feng Ding explained how he came to Korea.  "Well, somehow I came to South Korea by chance. Anyway, I am satisfied with my life now." Prof. Feng Ding’s life may be the result of coincidences. He only focused on his research and people around him kept giving him opportunities to work at different places. His current position in UNIST was also one of those job opportunities. It shows that he cares about maintaining good relationships with his colleagues as much as he cares about his research.​Prof. Feng Din… 작성자 : CMCM 2018.10.11