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IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials
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Prof. Ruoff Named to Thomson Reuters' List of Highly Cited Scientists
UNIST faculty named among world's most influential scientific minds by Thomson Reuters. Nov 17, 2016 / Joo Hyeon Heo / Public Relations Team / (c) UNIST Two UNIST professors have distinguished themselves with inclusion in the 2016 list of Highly Cited Researchers, a yearly distinction released by Clarivate Analytics, formerly the Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters. The report revealed that UNIST also recorded the most number of highly cited researchers in the field of materials science among research institutions in South Korea.​ The latest Highly Cited Researcher listing by Thomson Reuters recognizes leading researchers in 21 fields of the sciences and social sciences from around the world. The new Thomson-Reuters list evaluated close to 130,000 highly cited papers in science and social sciences journals, indexed in the Web of Science Collection over an 11-year period from January 2004 to December 2014. Highly Cited Papers are defined as those that ra… 작성자 : CMCM 2016.12.22
Black Phosphorus Doesn't Mind Water (if it is de-aerated)
 IBS researchers disprove the idea that water degrades black phosphorus and find the materials is actually hydrophobic Researchers at the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM), within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have discovered that one of graphene's competitors, black phosphorus, is inert to water deprived of oxygen, ending the debate of whether water causes its degradation. Their research, accepted by Chemistry of Materials, provides a more complete understanding of the role of molecular oxygen and water in the degradation of black phosphorus.Black phosphorus is a 2D materials structurlly similar to graphene with extraordinary electrical and optoelectric properties. However, unlike graphene, black phosphorus has the advantage of having a tunable bandgap. A bandgap is an energy barrier, essential for controlling the flow of electrons, like an on/off switch. Black phosphorus' bandgap varies depending on the number of black phosphorus layers: The more l… 작성자 : CMCM 2016.12.12
Adding Hydrogen to Graphene
-IBS researchers report fundamental study of how graphene is hydrogenated- ​ Adding hydrogen to graphene could improve its future applicability in the semiconductor industry, when silicon leaves off. Researchers at the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM), within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have recently gained further insight into this chemical reaction. Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society, these findings extend the knowledge of the fundamental chemistry of graphene and bring scientists perhaps closer to realizing new graphene-based materials. Understanding how graphene can chemically react with a variety of chemicals will increase its utility. Indeed, graphene has superior conductivity properties, but it cannot be directly used as an alternative to silicon in semiconductor electronics because it does not have a bandgap, that is, its electrons can move without climbing any energy barrier. Hydrogenation of graphene opens a … 작성자 : CMCM 2016.12.12
Prof. Ruoff and Prof. Bielawski Named among World's Most Cited Researchers
Making mark on global list of most cited, according to MSE SuppliesAug 17, 2016 / Joo Hyeon Heo / Public Relations Team (c) UNIST​UNIST is well-represented 2016 List of Most Cited Researchers in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) by Elsevier Scopus Data, appeared on the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) website on July 13th, 2016. Among all the researchers, only the top 300 in the field of materials science and engineering are included in the list ranked by the total citations of their papers. Being selected into the list of “Most Cited Researchers” means that these researchers have world-wide influence in their areas and their researching results also made distinguish contribute to the development of the area. UNST faculty on MSE Supplies highly cited list include Dr. Rodney S. Ruoff, Dr. Christopher W. Bielawski, and Dr. Jaephil Cho. Dr. Rodney S. Ruoff, Director of the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM) at the Institute fo… 작성자 : CMCM 2016.12.05
Making Graphene Using Laser-induced Phase Separation
Making Graphene Using Laser-induced Phase Separation - IBS & KAIST researchers clarify how laser annealing technology can lead to production of ultrathin nanomaterials -  All our smart phones have shiny flat AMOLED displays. Behind each single pixel of these displays hide at least two silicon transistors which were mass-manufactured using laser annealing technologies. While the traditional methods to make them uses temperatures above 1,000°C, the laser technique reaches the same results at low temperatures even on plastic substrates (melting temperature below 300°C). Interestingly, a similar procedure can be used to generate crystals of graphene. Graphene is a strong and thin nano-material made of carbon, its electric and heat-conductive properties have attracted the attention of scientists worldwide.​Prof. KEON Jae Lee's research group at the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Prof. CHOI Sung-Yool's team at … 작성자 : CMCM 2016.12.01
Scientists talk science in movies: Metropolis (1927)
Scientists talk science in movies: Metropolis (1927), A genuine classic of Science Fiction movies       사람과 과학의 미래를 그린 SF의 진정한 고전, 메트로폴리스(1927)- 과학자가 추천하는 영화, 메트로폴리스(Metropolis) -영화관에서 상영되는 최신 SF 영화들은 첨단 컴퓨터 그래픽 기술로 화려한 볼거리를 자랑하며, 인류가 꿈꾸는 미래 사회의 모습을 실감나게 보여준다. SF 장르는 관객들에게 오랜 시간동안 사랑받아 온 영화 장르 중 하나다. 그런데, 컴퓨터 그래픽 이전의 초기 SF 영화에서도 미래 사회를 그럴듯하게 구현해낼 수 있었을까. SF영화의 고전으로 손꼽히는 영화 메트로폴리스는 거의 90년 전인 1927년에 만들어진 작품이지만, 놀랄 만큼 멋진 미래 도시를 그려내 후세 수많은 SF 영화의 전형이 되었다. 기초과학연구원(IBS) 다차원탄소재료 연구단 소속인 이선화 연구위원이 흑백의 무성 영화인 메트로폴리스를 추천한 이유도 이 작품이 고전의 위대함을 확인시켜주는 영화이기 때문이다. 세련된 연출과 강렬한 메시지가 돋보이는 고전▲ 지하세계에 있는 기계의 모습. 이곳에서 노동자들은 끊임없이 기계를 작동시키며 비인간적인 삶을 살아간다.이선화 연구위원은 영화 메트로폴리스를 보면, 제작 시기가 무색하게 느껴진다며 감탄했다. 영화 전편에 깔린 풍부한 상상력과 치밀한 플롯이, 90년 전에 생각해 낼 수 있었다는 것 자체가 놀라울만큼 매력적으로 느껴졌기 때문이다.“영화 메트로폴리스는 미치광이 과학자가 욕심으로 인해 괴물(로봇)을 만들어내지만, 결국엔 정의가 이긴다는 다분히 전형적인 이야기 구성을 차용하고 있어요. 하지만, 화려한 컴퓨터 그래픽은 꿈도 꿀 수  없던 시절에 흑백 무성 영화로 이런 미래의 이야기를 무리 없이… 작성자 : CMCM 2016.11.27