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IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials

Engineer / Research Fellow / Research Assistant Position

06 Dec 2016 / CMCM
Deadline / Closing


The Institute of Basic Sciences (IBS) Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM) invites applicants for a Research Fellow/Research Assistant position with a background in thermal/vaccum engineering, engineering instrumentation and systems, or applied physics. The position is open now and applications will be reviewed immediately upon receipt.

The ideal candidate will:

·      Have a strong background in thermal engineering particularly in the design of high temperature furnaces, and hands on experience in their design and assembly.

·      Have experience with kinetic control of phase transformation of carbon or related materials at high temperature.

·      Have experience with various types of heating regimes including resistive, induction based heating and other heating methods.

·      Have experience in the use of finite element modeling software to model heat flow in a number of scenarios.

·      Have experience to design and build other related equipments in addition to high temperature furnaces such as high temperature reactor, CVDs and so on.

·      And will have good ability with spoken and written English.


·      Design and build thermal equipments such as furnace or ovens.

·      Design and build other equipment as needed by Director Ruoff and his team.

·      Engage with local companies and the machine shop for maintenance and assembly.

·      Perform studies for kinetic/thermodynamic control of carbon phase-transition and its mechanism.

Application method

     Send the following documents to Cherin Sohn via e-mail (

·      CV with full records of education, professional career and publications. Please include examples of equipment and systems that you have designed and built.

·      List of references (at least 3)


Contact information

·      E-mail :

·      Homepage :

·      Office : +82-52-217-5753

·      Fax : +82-52-217-5759